One of our most robust software offerings is a complete back-office solution for McDonald's Owner / Operators​.
With over 40 years of experience working with owner/operators, we have developed a software suite that is customizable for your business’ unique needs. With many years of input from other owners, we have created a vast array of office solutions that integrate with McDonald’s vendors and provides enhanced productivity for your office.
Here is a limited list of features and offerings:
General Ledger
Accounts Payable
Payroll including W-2 and 1095C reporting
Bank Reconciliation with integration to your banks
Integration to store data for Payroll, Cash Sheet data, Inventory, Personnel, Cashless and Delivery Sales
Integration of Martin Brower Invoices within Accounts Payable
Cashless Reconciliation integrated with your bank and First Data
Delivery Service Reconciliation integrated with your bank and store data
Inventory Transfer Database
Cash Sheet Database with automatic G/L batch creation

“Jahnell and her team have been our back office provider for 30 years. We really enjoy the flexibility and responsiveness of working with them. We can always count on them for support. Great partnership!”
— Rebecca Russell, CFO,
Benton Enterprise, Inc,
McDonald's Restaurants,
Austin, Texas
“I looked for many years for a custom software package written for McDonald's restaurants but were not user friendly and were cost-prohibitive. In 2010 we were referred to Tuel Automation. Their tech support along with their knowledge of QSR Soft and McDonald's operating systems makes them an outstanding choice for any size organization.”
— Eric Wilson, President,
EWIL Management, LLC,
McDonald's Restaurants,
San Angelo, Texas